I just wanted to make sure we are all on the same page.
The disability community is fierce, capable and strong, that’s a given. But all communities deserve to have safeguards in place to help try and keep them safe and ward off the unscrupulous.
What the NDIS hasn’t told everyone, is that the mandatory recommendations for working with a person with a disability are so lax that all you need is…..an ABN. Thats it. There is NO mandatory training, NO mandatory qualifications, NO mandatory anything, except the ABN and that is ONLY so you can get paid. There is the exception of ‘plan management’ that has a higher level of clearance required. Plan management is the financial section of the NDIS. However plan managers aren’t required to have any specific skills in disability itself.
I go into further details in another article on this blog called ‘Popup Providers’ where I explain the registration process in a little more detail.
This is no way to keep people safe. Especially when there are people with disabilities out there that are genuinely vulnerable and at significant risk of being taken advantage of.
I know a few things.
1. Persons with disability are at significant risk under the current guidelines.
2. The NDIS and the Government aren’t listening.
3. There needs to be mandatory education and training offered as a matter of urgency to all persons working with the disability community. This is not safe.
4. DCCA will apply as much pressure as we possibly can. This is something that we have to get done. We are going to do what it takes to make sure that this accepted negligence doesn’t continue. We know that the NDIA can’t just freeze the on the ground workers. There are a lot of people with disabilities that require services but the workers who are unskilled and currently working need to given training and support, preferably from a standardise model of care handed down by the NDIA and government.