Welcome to the On the Couch Consultancy Sessions™ where we offer real-life insights and solutions to bridge the gap between your business and the disability community. In an industry where providers have limited professional access to deep customer insights,  On the Couch Consultancy emerges as your missing piece of the provider puzzle. 



DCCA are lucky to be both:

a) your customer as a member of the disability community for 18years and

b) an industry professional with deep sector knowledge.


As providers, you face numerous hurdles that impede sustainable growth and service excellence. The true success comes from being able to understand your customer and know how to navigate the waters of staff and participant retention…


On the Couch Consultancy: The Missing Piece To The Provider Puzzle.

Our sessions go beyond the feeling of intimidation traditional consultancy; where you feel like you should already know everything. These sessions are a relaxed, “no question to small” type sessions where they provide a comprehensive strategy to overcome the most pressing issues in the disability services landscape. We focus on three crucial areas to facilitate a paradigm shift in your business:

  1. Understanding the Disability Community:

Gain insights into the vast and varied disability community, gleaned from lived experiences. We offer firsthand knowledge of what customers truly want, helping you avoid common pitfalls and deliver exceptional service.

  1. Evolving Support Team Dynamics:

Elevate your support team's expertise with practical wisdom derived from real-life scenarios. Our sessions delve into common challenges such as staff and participant retention, communication breakdowns, and loss of rosterable hours, offering actionable solutions to foster a better workplace culture.

  1. Delivering Quality Service Provision:

Equip yourself with the tools and strategies needed to provide top-tier service to the disability community. From addressing communication gaps to optimizing service delivery, we guide you in becoming a provider that stands the test of time.


Why On the Couch Consultancy?

Our consultancy sessions aren't just about providing advice; they're about empowering you to make a genuine impact in the disability community. By bridging the gap between your business and your customers, we pave the way for sustainable growth and excellence in service provision.

Join us for an easy-going, judgment-free consultancy session where no question is too big or too small. Together, we'll navigate the challenges of the disability industry and build a better future for all.

Book a session today and to begin on a journey to become a provider that stands the test of time. Your journey to excellence starts here, on the couch.

Cheers to breaking barriers and building a brighter future for the disability community!

Amy and the Dis Crew Aus Team



Welcome to the On the Couch Consultancy Sessions™ where we offer real-life insights and solutions to bridge the gap between your business and the disability community. In an industry where providers have limited professional access to deep customer insights,  On the Couch Consultancy emerges as your missing piece of the provider puzzle. 



DCCA are lucky to be both:

a) your customer as a member of the disability community for 18years and

b) an industry professional with deep sector knowledge.


As providers, you face numerous hurdles that impede sustainable growth and service excellence. The true success comes from being able to understand your customer and know how to navigate the waters of staff and participant retention…


On the Couch Consultancy: The Missing Piece To The Provider Puzzle.

Our sessions go beyond the feeling of intimidation traditional consultancy; where you feel like you should already know everything. These sessions are a relaxed, “no question to small” type sessions where they provide a comprehensive strategy to overcome the most pressing issues in the disability services landscape. We focus on three crucial areas to facilitate a paradigm shift in your business:

  1. Understanding the Disability Community:

Gain insights into the vast and varied disability community, gleaned from lived experiences. We offer firsthand knowledge of what customers truly want, helping you avoid common pitfalls and deliver exceptional service.

  1. Evolving Support Team Dynamics:

Elevate your support team's expertise with practical wisdom derived from real-life scenarios. Our sessions delve into common challenges such as staff and participant retention, communication breakdowns, and loss of rosterable hours, offering actionable solutions to foster a better workplace culture.

  1. Delivering Quality Service Provision:

Equip yourself with the tools and strategies needed to provide top-tier service to the disability community. From addressing communication gaps to optimizing service delivery, we guide you in becoming a provider that stands the test of time.


Why On the Couch Consultancy?

Our consultancy sessions aren't just about providing advice; they're about empowering you to make a genuine impact in the disability community. By bridging the gap between your business and your customers, we pave the way for sustainable growth and excellence in service provision.

Join us for an easy-going, judgment-free consultancy session where no question is too big or too small. Together, we'll navigate the challenges of the disability industry and build a better future for all.

Book a session today and to begin on a journey to become a provider that stands the test of time. Your journey to excellence starts here, on the couch.

Cheers to breaking barriers and building a brighter future for the disability community!

Amy and the Dis Crew Aus Team

On The Couch Consultancy Options:

Option 1:

Do It Yourself

This option is designed where we get to sit at the couch together with your staff member of choice-ops managers, bmd or ceo and go through the session in a relaxed setting together. You will then be able to transmit the information through to the rest of your team. 

  • Empowered Leadership: This option empowers your operations managers and leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to drive operational excellence within your organization.

  • Cascade Effect: Equipped with insights and strategies from our consultation, your operations managers can effectively transmit this information to the rest of the team, creating a ripple effect throughout the organization.

  • Customized Guidance: We provide customized guidance and support tailored to the specific needs of your operations managers, ensuring that they are well-equipped to lead their teams to success.

Price: $180/hr

Option 2:

Done With You

This option is designed where we get to sit at the couch together with leading members of the team, management staff and leaders. We go through the session in a relaxed setting together. Your team will then be on the same page as you, and they are able to trasmit this information through to the support worker teams.

  • Direct Engagement: This option allows for direct engagement with managing staff and CEOs, ensuring that key decision-makers are involved in the process.

  • Immediate Implementation: By providing guidance and support during the session, we facilitate immediate implementation of strategies and insights within your organization.

  • Tailored Education: We offer personalized training and education tailored to the specific needs of your team leaders, equipping them with the knowledge and tools they need to excel in their roles.

Price: $220/hr

Option 3:

Done For You

This option is designed where we get to come to you in-person and deliver a complete 1-2 part Breaking Barriers seminar with you and your team. This is a great way to ensure your WHOLE team is up to date and ready to go.

  • Expert Implementation: With this option, our team takes the lead in implementing transformative strategies on your behalf, saving you time and resources.

  • Efficient Execution: Our experienced professionals handle all aspects of strategy implementation, ensuring efficient and effective execution without burdening your internal team.

  • Focused Leadership: By allowing us to handle the heavy lifting, your leadership team can focus on other critical aspects of your organization, such as providing direct support to participants and overseeing day-to-day operations.

Price: Contact Us To Discuss Options.

On The Couch Consultancy Options:

Option 1:

Do It Yourself

This option is designed where we get to sit at the couch together with your staff member of choice-ops managers, bmd or ceo and go through the session in a relaxed setting together. You will then be able to transmit the information through to the rest of your team. 

  • Empowered Leadership: This option empowers your operations managers and leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to drive operational excellence within your organization.

  • Cascade Effect: Equipped with insights and strategies from our consultation, your operations managers can effectively transmit this information to the rest of the team, creating a ripple effect throughout the organization.

  • Customized Guidance: We provide customized guidance and support tailored to the specific needs of your operations managers, ensuring that they are well-equipped to lead their teams to success.

Price: $180/hr

Option 2:

Done With You

This option is designed where we get to sit at the couch together with leading members of the team, management staff and leaders. We go through the session in a relaxed setting together. Your team will then be on the same page as you, and they are able to trasmit this information through to the support worker teams.

  • Direct Engagement: This option allows for direct engagement with managing staff and CEOs, ensuring that key decision-makers are involved in the process.

  • Immediate Implementation: By providing guidance and support during the session, we facilitate immediate implementation of strategies and insights within your organization.

  • Tailored Education: We offer personalized training and education tailored to the specific needs of your team leaders, equipping them with the knowledge and tools they need to excel in their roles.

Price: $220/hr

Option 3:

Done For You

This option is designed where we get to come to you in-person and deliver a complete 1-2 part Breaking Barriers seminar with you and your team. This is a great way to ensure your WHOLE team is up to date and ready to go.

  • Expert Implementation: With this option, our team takes the lead in implementing transformative strategies on your behalf, saving you time and resources.

  • Efficient Execution: Our experienced professionals handle all aspects of strategy implementation, ensuring efficient and effective execution without burdening your internal team.

  • Focused Leadership: By allowing us to handle the heavy lifting, your leadership team can focus on other critical aspects of your organization, such as providing direct support to participants and overseeing day-to-day operations.

Price: Contact Us To Discuss Options.


The “On the Couch Consultancy” session is an opportunity for providers to receive personalized guidance and support in navigating the challenges of the disability services landscape. During the session, our experienced consultants will engage in open and candid discussions with your team, offering insights, strategies, and practical advice to address specific issues and drive positive outcomes for your organization.

These sessions provide a platform for team leaders to gain valuable insights and perspectives from industry experts with firsthand experience in the disability community. By participating in these sessions, your team leaders will be equipped with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to overcome challenges, foster a culture of excellence, and drive sustainable growth within your organization.

Our sessions are facilitated by Amy, an experienced consultant with over 18 years of firsthand experience as a carer within the disability community. Amy brings a unique perspective to the table, having served as both a dedicated carer and an industry professional. With her extensive background in disability advocacy, service provision, and leadership, Amy is well-equipped to provide expert guidance and support tailored to your organization’s specific needs. Through her deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the disability services landscape, Amy is committed to empowering providers to overcome obstacles, drive positive outcomes, and make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals with disabilities.

Absolutely! Our sessions can help address a wide range of challenges commonly faced by disability service providers, including staff retention, participant engagement, communication breakdowns, regulatory compliance, and more. Whether you’re grappling with operational inefficiencies or striving to enhance the quality of your services, our consultants are here to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Scheduling a session is easy! Simply reach out to our team to discuss your organization’s needs and objectives. From there, we’ll work with you to customize a consultation plan that aligns with your goals and schedule. Once the details are finalized, we’ll coordinate the logistics and provide you with all the information you need to prepare for a productive and insightful session. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey to success!


Meet Amy, the driving force behind DCCA (Disability Community Catalysts) and the visionary founder of Dis Crew Apparel. With over 17 years of dedicated involvement in the Disability Community, Amy's journey is deeply intertwined with her beautiful daughter, Illyana, who has severe and profound complex disabilities. Amy's personal and professional experiences have fueled her passion for catalyzing positive change within the disability industry.

Amy's professional journey began with several years in senior-level management roles within prominent disability service providers. During this time, she keenly observed the systemic issues that permeated the industry, prompting her to take bold action. Disgusted by the lack of professionalism she witnessed, Amy founded DCCA out of an unwavering need for transformative change within the disability sector.

Her commitment to revolutionizing the industry led her to work on the other side of the coin, creating training programs for large organizations and support staff. Amy has delivered impactful seminars along the east coast of Australia, leaving an indelible mark on organizations that are now considered game-changers in the disability service landscape. Her training programs focus on industry-changing improvements in service provision, knowledge implementation, application, and client retention.

Amy's unique perspective stems from both her years as a client of disability providers and her professional expertise. This dual vantage point grants her unparalleled insight into the intricacies of becoming a leader in disability service provision. Her mission is clear: to empower Disability Providers to lead from the front, instigating positive and lasting change within their organizations.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Amy is a down-to-earth and passionate advocate with a genuine interest in the growth and evolution of our community. Her dedication extends to fostering a culture of excellence, ensuring that the beloved disability community receives world-class care.

Join Amy on a transformative journey through the Breaking Barriers™ Seminar Series as she shares her wealth of experience, expertise, and a profound commitment to creating a future where disability service provision sets new standards of care and compassion.


Meet Amy, the driving force behind DCCA (Disability Community Catalysts) and the visionary founder of Dis Crew Apparel. With over 17 years of dedicated involvement in the Disability Community, Amy's journey is deeply intertwined with her beautiful daughter, Illyana, who has severe and profound complex disabilities. Amy's personal and professional experiences have fueled her passion for catalyzing positive change within the disability industry.

Amy's professional journey began with several years in senior-level management roles within prominent disability service providers. During this time, she keenly observed the systemic issues that permeated the industry, prompting her to take bold action. Disgusted by the lack of professionalism she witnessed, Amy founded DCCA out of an unwavering need for transformative change within the disability sector.

Her commitment to revolutionizing the industry led her to work on the other side of the coin, creating training programs for large organizations and support staff. Amy has delivered impactful seminars along the east coast of Australia, leaving an indelible mark on organizations that are now considered game-changers in the disability service landscape. Her training programs focus on industry-changing improvements in service provision, knowledge implementation, application, and client retention.

Amy's unique perspective stems from both her years as a client of disability providers and her professional expertise. This dual vantage point grants her unparalleled insight into the intricacies of becoming a leader in disability service provision. Her mission is clear: to empower Disability Providers to lead from the front, instigating positive and lasting change within their organizations.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Amy is a down-to-earth and passionate advocate with a genuine interest in the growth and evolution of our community. Her dedication extends to fostering a culture of excellence, ensuring that the beloved disability community receives world-class care.

Join Amy on a transformative journey through the Breaking Barriers™ Seminar Series as she shares her wealth of experience, expertise, and a profound commitment to creating a future where disability service provision sets new standards of care and compassion.


The “On the Couch Consultancy” session is an opportunity for providers to receive personalized guidance and support in navigating the challenges of the disability services landscape. During the session, our experienced consultants will engage in open and candid discussions with your team, offering insights, strategies, and practical advice to address specific issues and drive positive outcomes for your organization.

These sessions provide a platform for team leaders to gain valuable insights and perspectives from industry experts with firsthand experience in the disability community. By participating in these sessions, your team leaders will be equipped with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to overcome challenges, foster a culture of excellence, and drive sustainable growth within your organization.

Our sessions are facilitated by Amy, an experienced consultant with over 18 years of firsthand experience as a carer within the disability community. Amy brings a unique perspective to the table, having served as both a dedicated carer and an industry professional. With her extensive background in disability advocacy, service provision, and leadership, Amy is well-equipped to provide expert guidance and support tailored to your organization’s specific needs. Through her deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the disability services landscape, Amy is committed to empowering providers to overcome obstacles, drive positive outcomes, and make a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals with disabilities.

Absolutely! Our sessions can help address a wide range of challenges commonly faced by disability service providers, including staff retention, participant engagement, communication breakdowns, regulatory compliance, and more. Whether you’re grappling with operational inefficiencies or striving to enhance the quality of your services, our consultants are here to help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Scheduling a session is easy! Simply reach out to our team to discuss your organization’s needs and objectives. From there, we’ll work with you to customize a consultation plan that aligns with your goals and schedule. Once the details are finalized, we’ll coordinate the logistics and provide you with all the information you need to prepare for a productive and insightful session. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey to success!


On The Couch™ Consultancy Booking Request

Fill out the consultancy request form with your email, name and provider details and we wil contact you to arrange a call together. 


Coffs Harbour NSW, 2450

Email & General Enquiries: dccacrew@gmail.com

Partnerships & Sponsor Enquiries: dccrew.bdm@gmail.com


Coffs Harbour NSW, 2450

Email & General Enquiries: dccacrew@gmail.com

Partnerships & Sponsor Enquiries: dccrew.bdm@gmail.com