Module 5: Quote Qualifier™

DCCA explains the quote and why you need to do this. We look at the service agreements and what you need to put in them as well as breaking down participant goals specifically relating to how they affect your ability to be paid. 

This one is really important simply put, because sometimes participants don't always know what funds are available. It is common practice to send the quote through to the plan manager to make sure that the service that the participant is requesting is able to be funded. This needs to be as detailed and as descriptive as possible. We go over exactly what you need and how to do this. We go through some real life examples and talk about what can and sometimes does go wrong. This module gives you the tools that you need to make sure you work professionally and get paid every time. 

-Module Features-

Deliver & Get Paid

A Lot of support workers get the quoting portion of their business activities completely wrong. What happens then is they Deliver service, expecting to get paid for what they quoted, and it doesn't happen. We dive into this to prevent it from happening.

Time Well Spent.

Avoid mistakes that waste your time, your clients time and saves $ that can be better invested toward your service delivery and the participants needs.

Clear Delivery for the Client

Your clients are not left in suspense wondering if you are able to provide the care they need. They are confident in your service, and you are confident you can provide and get paid.

What you get:

Video: Step-By-Step Module Presentation With DCCA Director Amy Gray

PDF: Module Slides

Community: Access To The Disability Hub™ Community Group.

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