Module 8: Scope Framework™

This module looks solely at the scope of practice. We provide a very clear, easily definable understanding of what a scope of practice is and how to find your own. We Offer support and build systems to help develop  your own guidelines. We use easy to understand language to describe a sometimes very hard to decipher concept. Amy takes the risk out of this one so we can all work safer. 

-Module Features-

Avoid Confusion

Confusion stops progress and proper delivery. It's essential to know the scopes you operate within, without getting lost, frustrated or confused.

Know The Next Right Thing.

When you know the scopes, you learn what the next right move is to be. When you don't, you hit step 1 again, and the problem is, this occurs, over and over again. Learn how to make the right next decisions. 

Build Better Allies.

Building networks within the community is a great component to add to your support worker business. Knowing where everyone sits and fits within the service provision web, allows you to build allies to refer, communicate and delivery great outcomes for your clients. 

What you get:

Video: Step-By-Step Module Presentation With DCCA Director Amy Gray

PDF: WModule Slides

Community: Access To The Disability Hub™ Community Group.

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