Module 10: Culture Curator™

DCCA smashes a hole in some common misconceptions that the disability sector, support workers very much included, can make about carers. Amy with her passionate, heartfelt style and breaks open some tough conversations bringing hope and wisdom. This is the closing module where you will be taken on a journey of discovery from the carers perspective, in an effort to help you provide services in a connected, aware way. Amy also takes a look at some of the issues relating to the poor culture within the disability sector as a result of not employing enough lived experience.  Amy builds hope in her audience by explaining how awareness is the most powerful weapon in creating effective long term change. 

-Module Features-

Become a Gamechanger

Rather than being a part of the ongoing chronic problem, become a gamechanger, and create lasting change and longevity for your career.

Grow With The Times

The industry and culture is constantly evolving. Learn how to grow with it.

Unite The Culture

Avoid division, understand how to maintain connection with the culture and know how the direction it will be going. 

What you get:

Video: Step-By-Step Module Presentation With DCCA Director Amy Gray

PDF: Module Slides

Community: Access To The Disability Hub™ Community Group.

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