Support Worker 7-Deadly Sins™ book today.

This resource is a must-have for all support workers and companies within the disability sector. 

“This E-book shows the 7-Deadly Sins that Stop Support workers from building a Lasting Successful Business

-Especially for New Support Workers!”


Support Worker 7-Deadly Sins is the must-have resource for all support workers that want to elevate the standard of ethical service & delivery, stand out from the pack & reach new heights in their business.

The Support Worker 7-Deadly Sins E-book addresses the critical issues of support workers and how that blocks their growth in professionalism, productivity & client results. For example:

a) So many support workers hit walls when it comes to sustaining clients long-term, maintaining a high-level of service delivery and earning the amount of financial stability that is required for successful business. We help break through all these by understanding the most common yet fixable “sins” that cause this.


b) Most support workers play the blame game and either put their poor success onto their energy levels, or the NDIS.. but in fact this is not the case. It's not an energy problem it's a know-how problem. When you know how to acheive success. Effort becomes easy.


c) Many workers over-promise and under-deliver, so they set themselves up for failure from the beginning. The understanding of what is and what is not is a huge gap that drives clients away. The goal for this e-book is to help do the opposite.



Amy Gray has been in the industry for 16+ years and hired hundreds of support workers. Her level of knowledge and passion for the industry is unparalleled combined with the years of experience of rising through one of the most challenging fields to help coach and guide support workers has become a game-changing entity that is known as DCCA. This company was built to help the industry rise & perform to the level our participants need us to. She's here to build a better culture.  





What other’s have to say..

Here's what other support workers and industry specialists are saying about our services.

"I have worked with for Amy for nearly 15 years. Shes a very well-rounded stoic individual who is determined to make a change for the disability community. She really has a knack of breaking complicated things down into easily digestible parts. The courses she has built are remarkable. I have worked in disability for over 20 years and she totally blew me away." 
Neryl - Long term Disability support worker.
"DCCA programs come from a place of genuine intent to create positive change for persons with disability and I genuinely believe this company is going to do that. I took so much away from this."
Jaclyn - NDIS Plan manager.
"These disability awareness programs are really going to change the way some people think about disability service provision, full stop. I've been doing this for a long time in various roles. Nursing, disability support in schools and the community and now as a student OT. Its about time that someone stepped up and did this. "
Kelly - Nurse, Disability support worker and 3rd year Student OT. 
"Amy has her finger on the pulse. Shes really opened my eyes and taught me so much about disability support, stuff I never even considered. Its her perspective that's so different and I would recommend anyone do her course. It was a real eye opener."
Sharon - Long term Disability support worker. 
"Amy and her team at DCCA really got me thinking. I didn't realise the layers to the disability community. She lifted the lid on issues I didn't know existed. I can offer better service to the community I love to work with as a result. I can't recommend her enough."
Luke - Business Owner Fitness industry.